среда, 16 января 2013 г.

Marcia Barrett встретила Новый год в Москве и пообещала новый 2CD-релиз

Накануне Рождества по западнохристианскому обряду солистка Boney M. Марсия Баррэтт (Marcia Barrett) опубликовала на своём сайте традиционное обращение к своим слушателям и фанам.
Отметив, что 2012-й был далеко не простым годом для многих из нас, певица, оставаясь оптимисткой, выразила надежду на то, что "свет в конце тоннеля непременно появится", потому что человечество достойно лучшей доли.
Она выразила восхищение теми, кто борется с диктатурами в своих странах и, таким образом, приближает день, когда людим смогут вздохнуть свободнее.
Далее в послании обнародована интересная информация о подготовке к выпуску долгожданного компакт-диска, который, в итоге, должен стать "двойным".
Наконец-то Марсии удалось завершить работу над песнями, которые она написала вместе со своим мужем Маркусом Джеймсом (Marcus James) в годы борьбы с болезнью, а также восстановить некоторые трэки, записанные в начеле 80-х на острове Барбадос. Тогда Марсия работала в студии знаменитого Эдди Гранта (Eddy Grant) над своим первым сольным альбомом, который по ряду причин не был издан. Теперь же записи восстановлены и, как обещает певица, ждут своей публикации в новом альбоме.
Кроме того, солистка Boney M. напоминает, что её работы последних лет доступны в сетевых магазинах цифровых загрузок, например в iTunes и целом ряде других.
Отдельная благодарность певица выражает своей команде, регулярно обновляющей её сайты и блоги, а также всем тем, кто оказывает информационную поддержку её сольному проекту.
В завершении обращения Марсия поздравила своих кллег по Boney M.: Лиз Митчелл (Liz Mitchell), Фрэнка Фариана (Frank Farian), Мэйзи Уилльмс (Maizie Williams) и Рэджи Цибо (Reggie Tsiboe). Она также особо отметила что всегда помнит об ушедшем Бобби (Bobby Farrell) и скучает по нему...
Кстати, в новогоднюю ночь Марсия была в Москве, где у неё состоялось 3 концерта в Atlas Park-Hotel. Собравшаяся там публика тепло приветствовала певицу и, конечно же, не обошлось без многочисленных автографов и совместных фото.
И последняя новость: интервью с Марсией о работе над новым альбомом выложено в социальной сети youtube (ссылки опубликованы на официальном сайте певицы). 

Marcia Barrett:



Dearest Fanmily & Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to put pen to paper once again in greeting you at Christmas time with profound joy.

How are you and family keeping? I'm hoping fine indeed, with good health and a good positive outlook for the years ahead. I’m aware that times are unfortunately getting harder and indeed challenging for some of us, more than some but bear in mind that there is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel, only if you believe in it. I certainly do, how about YOU?

Before I go any further, let’s lift up our heads and hands to GOD and pray for the people including innocent children who are victims of selfish, unnecessary "GLOBAL WARS" that this beautiful world is disrupted by, year after year and again after years! This has caused many lives and have left many victims suffering and displaced-mentally and physically for probably a long future.

On the other hand let’s PRAISE! Those BRAVE protesters who have taken the step to demand a better life, trying to abolish "DICTATORSHIP" in their countries no matter how their lives are at risk, because they just cannot take anymore. Let' s PRAISE the brave people who are trying to help the STARVING people of our universe, preparing and serving at least one hot meal a day and attending to their wounds with the physical first this time, then the mentaltrauma that usually follow.

The WORLD’S nation has to come to peace and take heed, acknowledging that "PEACE IS THE BEST WEAPON".

My note is not a doctrine, it’s just that I feel free in sharing my concerns of the everyday catastrophes that are attacking us with you as fanmily and friends.

My dears! As the dawn of 2013 approaches, unwinding from the "Festive Season" it’s inevitable that we have great expectancies of a bright future, fulfilling our goals, bringing our dreams to reality, with GOD'S guidance.

Some of you might have seen the "Four part Interview" on YOUTUBE that Marcus and I had with Norma Wright who conducted it at Martin's studio. As you can see and perhaps agree that - as the saying goes "It’s Never Too Late For A Shower Of Rain".

I’m referring to my long awaited CD that has developed into a "Double CD" with songs that Marcus and I composed and made demos of during the years of my ill health, which we didn’t get to complete before now.

The icing on the cake is that this Cd is very special and indeed versatile. It demonstrates songs that Eddy Grant composed for me in the 80s and gave them a face lift, owing to the fact that some tapes were damaged. We were commuting from Barbados to Berlin with versions until the three songs were Eddy worthy! There are also two tracks composed by Colin Towns - Ian Gillan’s band - "Deep Purple" that I also included to this new work.

Remember the songwriter Kelvin James who wrote "YOU" and "BREAKAWAY" for me back in the eighties which FF gave to "Boney M.? I’m excited to convey that he will be coming over from London in early January to produce another new track with me entitled "You Can’t Fight While You’re Dancing", which will be included on the Cd. It dipics what we are experiencing with the unrest globally. A protest song- somewhat in the vain of "Belfast". I’m really looking forward to that session.

There is also another track that I sang in "Armanish", which I learnt and recorded in two hours. The producer conducted the production via Skype from Moscow, which was quite interesting. So much to talk about that it's best to leave the rest for you to explore by yourselves (smile again).

Marcus is being featured with his singing skills as well this time, even though most of the songs he played the bass guitar riffs and other instruments. Lucky me hey! I'm having FUN! FUN! And more FUN! And at the same time counting my "BLESSINGS" one by one.

Stay tuned for interviews from both composers, Eddy Grant and Kelvin James as well as another one from myself in January. As the date draws neigh, for viewing I’ll let you know enabling you not to miss them.

I hope that you have seen the video of my current single "A Boy Like You" on iTUNES and other internet outlets. Well, Daniel (A member of my team) came up with the idea and prepared it for us to enjoy! It's funny isn’t it? Marcus and I have fun watching it with lots of laughter.

Another THANK YOU to my friends who was so kind to collaborate in the video making it so good. You are really troopers!

A BIG THANK YOU Daniel for taking care of my graphics for so many wonderful years. Another blessing is having Danni taking care in managing this website and also together with Daniel conducting the updates on my "Facebook" page. Thank you Robert for all the years of being there for me, managing my website: www.marciabarrettotboneym.com. Soon there will be some snapshots to enjoy from my recent travels where my team and I presented our shows since my last note.
Wow! Let me go for now my dear friends and thanking you for taking the time, in wishing me well by signing in my guestbooks and on my "Facebook" page, including your lovely E-Mails when time permits.
I'm hereby wishing you a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and a Prosperous, Healthy, Peaceful and Contented 2013. Your support is always cherished.
Liz, Frank, Maizie, Reggie, here is wishing you a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year" with all the good things in life.

Bobby! I'm Missing You!


Marcia Barrett.


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