суббота, 19 ноября 2022 г.

Famous German actor Matthias Schweighöfer spoke about his role as producer Frank Farian in the biopic about pop sensation MILLI VANILLI

In an interview with www.collider.com Editor-in-Chief Steven Weintraub, 41-year-old actor and director Matthias Schweighöfer spoke about his recent and upcoming work in film and television.
The star of one of the most popular Netflix series "Army of Thieves" and a number of successful feature films said that he is very pleased with the way his career is developing. In addition to talking about an important dramatic role in the new television series Swimmers, as well as working with Hollywood director Christopher Nolan, Mattias noted his role as producer Frank Farian in the upcoming musical biopic Girl, You Know It's True.

In Netflix’s The Swimmers, the sophomore feature film of director Sally El Hosaini, Hosaini and co-writer Jack Thorne (Enola Holmes 2) chronicle the harrowing journey of Syrian refugees Yusra and Sara Mardini, played by Nathalie and Manal Issa, respectively. Based on true events, The Swimmers depicts the sisters’ inspiring odyssey from their war-torn home country to Germany where Yusra trained to be an Olympic swimmer, defying all impossible odds in their way. In the film, rising star, producer, and director Matthias Schweighöfer portrays real-life swim coach Sven Spannenkrebs who helped prepare Yusra to qualify for the 2016 Olympics in Rio.
During his interview with Collider’s Editor-in-Chief Steve Weintraub, Schweighöfer shares the importance of telling the Mardinis’ story “about hopes and dreams and passion,” about Hosaini’s vision for the film, and working alongside her and the Issa’s to do the story justice. He also talks about working with director Christopher Nolan on Oppenheimer, as well as his role in Netflix’s Heart of Stone with Gal Gadot, and his own directing career, teasing a new project in the works. You can read the full interview below, or watch the video above.

COLLIDER: I want to start with congratulations on this movie. I didn't know what I was going to get when I watched it. It's really, really an important story and it's so well done.

MATTHIAS SCHWEIGHÖFER: Yeah, thank you. I think it's a great film. It's an inspiring story.

Something I wanted to touch on is that I thought Sally [El Hosaini] did such a great job directing. Can you talk about what she brought to the table? Because the way she told the story was so excellent.

SCHWEIGHÖFER: Yeah. She came up with that story, and she wanted to make a film about girls growing up like she did when she grew up in Cairo in the '90s. Girls, fun, it's ordinary people and she had a vision to tell a story about hopes and dreams and passion.

You are not a huge part of this movie, but you are a critical part of this movie. What is it like coming in to be a big part of the third act of the film?

SCHWEIGHÖFER: It's funny, because we shot the third act, we shot all these scenes at the beginning of the shoot. Then they went to shoot the rest of the film. So I think it's a pretty important part because it’s when they reach Germany, the safe place, the safe country, it’s nice to see Yusra Mardini. It's all about the Olympics, and the swimming, and still fulfilling her dreams and wanting to achieve something great because of how she was raised with her dad. I think it's super important for the film because, after the whole crazy journey, they're survivors, human beings, and she has dreams, so she fights for them and I think it's great.

Were you happy you didn't really have to train for this movie to do the swimming? It's like standing on the sidelines, training them.

SCHWEIGHÖFER: I trained a lot, I worked on my calmness, and on my smile, and on being a very tolerant coach. The girls, they went through a tough process of swimming and working out. That's always great to jump into characters like this, I like that process.

You've directed a number of films. Most recently, I believe, Army of Thieves. I'm curious, you've worked recently as an actor on a number of projects and some high-profile things. What have you learned over the last few years that you want to take with you as a filmmaker to your future endeavors?

SCHWEIGHÖFER: That first, it's always about the vision and that acting has to be real, but still in a film. You know what I mean? For example, the work with Chris Nolan was so interesting, and I love him so much. The same with Sally because she was so calm and so nice, and she always tried to focus on, "Hey, how can I reach my goals by making them crystal clear? Hey, you have to let it go and follow my vision." I think it was a great learning process for me.

Do you feel like, in the last few years, you've won the actor's lottery? In terms of getting to work with Nolan, being in this big action Netflix film with Gal Gadot, the Milli Vanilli thing. There's a lot going on and I'm wondering if you are able to appreciate, "Oh my God?”

SCHWEIGHÖFER: I think every day I try to be really thankful because I was born in the east of Germany. When the wall came down, I always dreamt of this big, hairy goal. Dream big and fight for your dreams, fight for your goals, never give up. Believe in your team and people, in the stars, in energy. To be honest, I'm so happy for what I can do now in my age. I'm not 25 anymore, I'm 26. I'm really happy because I'm just getting started and that's great, it's a great feeling.

I have to ask you, what is it like getting the phone call from Nolan, or whoever, saying, "We would like you to be in a Chris Nolan movie?"

SCHWEIGHÖFER: It was so surreal because I did a casting for him two years before, and I really effed it up, and it wasn't a good casting, and I think I was horrible. Then to receive that call, "Hey, you're in." I was so happy. The weirdest thing was, I immediately called Hans Zimmer and Zack Snyder and told them, "Hey, I will be in Chris's next film." They both were like, "Oh my God, say hi to him." That was really crazy. That was, to be honest, that was really, really weird. But great.

Yeah, I can't imagine. The thing that I'm most looking forward to with that film is, not only that it's a Nolan movie, but I believe he shot most of it in IMAX and I cannot wait to see what he's cooking up.

SCHWEIGHÖFER: Yeah. I mean, it looked fantastic. All these actors are amazing. Cillian Murphy, he was fantastic. Even I can wait to see the film. I can't wait to see the film.

I know you were involved with this Milli Vanilli movie, Girl You Know It's True. For people that don't realize it's an incredible story, can you talk about what it's about? Who you play? Because it's a crazy story.

SCHWEIGHÖFER: I mean, the movie is about the band Milli Vanilli, and the story behind them is that the producer I play, called Frank Farian, he invented this band. He had a second band, a real band, who were the real singers, the real musicians. He found these two good-looking dancers, made a band of it, and sold it to the world. They received a Grammy, they had three number-one hits in the world, in the US. It's insane that everything was fake, it was fake. I can't wait for the world to see that film. I think I'm a really smart-looking, good producer. I have long hair, the '90s, that's fun.

Oh, I really can't wait to see it either. Listen, I got to stop with you. I'm just going to say, I'm really happy for you and congrats on The Swimmers, because it's really a fantastic and important film.

SCHWEIGHÖFER: Steve, let's make this every year. Next time we see each other on Heart of Stone, then it will be Milli Vanilli.

What's funny is that if I had more time, I would've brought up Heart of Stone. Listen, there's only so much time. Again, I'm really happy for you and I do hope you're directing again, soon.

SCHWEIGHÖFER: I will. I will soon. There will be news.

Известный немецкий актёр Маттиас Швайгхёфер рассказал о своей роли продюсера Фрэнка Фариана в байопике о поп-сенсации MILLI VANILLI

В интервью главному редактору интернет-портала www.collider.com Стивену Вайнтраубу 41-летний актёр и режиссёр Маттиас Швайгхёфер рассказал о своих последних и предстоящих работах в кино и на телевидении. Звезда одного из популярнейших сериалов Netflix "Армия воров" и целого ряда успешных художественных фильмов отметил, что весьма рад тому, как развивается его карьера. Помимо разговора о важной драматической роли в новом телесериале "Пловцы", а также работе с голливудским режиссёром Крисом Ноланом в фильме "Оппенгеймер", Маттиас отметил свою роль продюсера Фрэнка Фариана в грядущем музыкальном байопике "Girl, You Know It's True".

Фрагмент интервью:

Вы чувствуете, что в последние годы выигрываете в актерскую лотерею? Я имею ввиду работу с Ноланом, участие в этом большом проекте Netflix с Галь Гадот, байопик о MILLI VANILLI. Многое происходит, и мне интересно, задаёте ли вы себе вопрос: «Боже мой, это не сон?»

ШВАЙГХЁФЕР: Думаю, каждый день я стараюсь быть по-настоящему благодарным за то, что родился на востоке Германии. Когда рухнула стена, я всегда мечтал об этой большой, почти призрачной, цели. Мечтай по-крупному и борись за свои мечты, борись за свои цели, никогда не сдавайся. Верьте в свою команду и людей, в звёзды, в энергию. Честно говоря, я так счастлив, что могу сделать сейчас, в моём возрасте. Мне не 25, мне уже 26 (смеётся). Я очень счастлив, потому что я только начинаю, и это здорово, это прекрасное чувство.

Я должен спросить вас, каково это, когда вам звонит Нолан, или кто-то из его окружения, и говорит: «Мы хотели бы, чтобы вы снялись в фильме Криса Нолана?»

ШВАЙГХЁФЕР: Это было так сюрреалистично, потому что 2 года назад я проходил кастинг для него, и всё испортил. Это был не очень хороший кастинг, и я думаю, что я был ужасен. Но затем я получаю звонок: «Эй, ты в деле». Я был так счастлив. Самым странным было то, что я сразу же позвонил Хансу Циммеру и Заку Снайдеру и сказал им: «Привет, я буду в следующем фильме Криса». Они оба сказали: «Боже мой, передай ему привет». Это было действительно безумие. Это было, честно говоря, очень, очень странно. Но здорово.

Да, я не могу представить. Больше всего я жду от этого фильма не только то, что это фильм Нолана, но я верю, что он снял большую его часть в формате IMAX, и мне не терпится увидеть то, о чём он готовит.

ШВАЙГХЁФЕР: Да. Я имею в виду, это выглядело фантастически. Весь актёрский состав потрясающий. Киллиан Мэрфи, он был великолепен. Не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть фильм.

Я знаю, что вы были связаны с фильмом о MILLI VANILLI "Девочка, ты знаешь, что это правда". Для тех, кто не понимает: это невероятная история. Можете ли вы рассказать, о чём она? Кого вы играете? Потому что это сумасшедшая история.

ШВАЙГХЁФЕР: Фильм о дуэте MILLI VANILLI, и история, стоящая за ними, заключается в том, что продюсер, которого я играю, по имени Фрэнк Фариан, придумал эту группу. У него была вторая, настоящая группа, настоящие певцы, настоящие музыканты. Он нашёл этих двух симпатичных танцоров, создал из них команду и продал её по всему миру. Они получили Grammy, у них было три хита №1 в мире, и в США. Это безумие, что всё было подделкой. Я не могу дождаться, когда мир увидит этот фильм. Я думаю, что я играю действительно умного, хорошего продюсера. У меня длинные волосы а ля 90-е, это весело.

О, я тоже не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть это. К сожалению, я должен заканчивать наше интервью. Просто хочу сказать, что очень рад за вас и поздравляю с «Пловцами», потому что это действительно фантастический и важный фильм.

ШВАЙГХЁФЕР: Стив, давай делать это каждый год. В следующий раз, когда мы увидимся на Heart of Stone, это будет MILLI VANILLI.

Что забавно, так это то, что если бы у меня было больше времени, я бы ещё спросил о "Каменном Сердце". Но времени так мало... Опять же, я очень рад за вас и надеюсь, что вы скоро снова станете режиссёром.

ШВАЙГХЁФЕР: Это скоро произойдёт. Будут новости.

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