понедельник, 24 ноября 2014 г.

В память о Melanie Thornton

Сегодня исполняется очередная годовщина трагической гибели легендарной солистки поп-дуэта LA BOUCHE Мелани Торнтон (Melanie Thornton).
В память о своей партнёрше по группе бессменный рэпер проекта Лэйн МакКрэй (Lane McCray) опубликовал специальное послание в своём персональном блоге на facebook:

This date which comes around every year is tough even difficult sometimes. I have so many memories of Melanie that at times my soul is flooded with raw emotion that cannot be contained and I weep. I know we are all here but for a short time and what we do with that time is paramount to our happiness and those around us. When I listen to all the negative things that go on in the world from the petty to the significant it pales in comparison to the simple task at hand and that is loving one other without judgement, loving in spite of our differences, loving against all odds for at the end of the day WE are all we have. Gone too soon yes, but never forgotten. To all of Melanie's Family, friends and fans I know she is watching from above wishing you all nothing but love. She use to always say live life as if it were your last day on earth because tomorrow is never promised to anyone. My challenge to you today is to tell someone that you love them, truly love them. Please continue to keep me in your prayers and know that I truly love all of you down to the bone marrow.


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