После триумфального посещения Индии, куда Марсию Баррэтт приглашали уже трижды в течение последних 15 месяцев, её азиатское турне продолжится в Казахстане.
Надо заметить, что интерес к творчеству Boney M. снова возрос в странах Азии. Диски группы переиздаются в Японии, Южной Корее, Индии (где недавно альбом группы вошёл в TOP 5) и других странах этого региона.
Последнее выступление Марсии в индийском Хайдарабаде снова вызвало большой резонанс. На сей раз певица была приглашена для участия в благотворительной акции, проводимой под эгидой международной ассоциации борьбы с раком.
Марсия Баррэтт являет собой пример стойкого борца с этим недугом, поэтому неудивительно, что она вошла в число гостей форума, успешно преодолевших, казалось бы, безысходную ситуацию. Её концерт стал ярчайшим примером того, как оптимистичный настрой и хорошая музыка помогают больным вернуться к полноценной и творчески насыщенной жизни. Статью из газеты INDIA TODAY мы публикуем в оригинале ниже.
Возвращаясь к гастрольной поездке Марсии в Казахстан, сообщаем, что концерт состоится в Караганде 18 ноября. Билеты пока ещё имеются в продаже. Справки по телефону (Караганда): 41-22-28
Breast cancer awareness takes centre stage with Boney M singer
Amarnath K.Menon
Hyderabad, October 25, 2008
Recreating the old magic with the classics that defined the pop and disco scene of the 1970s is in itself a challenge. But the legendary lead singer of Boney M, Marcia Barrett, has overcome that while battling cancer to present a scintillating show at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre on Friday night.
The iconic Daddy Cool, Rivers of Babylon and the rhythmic Rasputin were among the songs to which a packed auditorium clapped their hands and waved in ecstasy. For some it was reliving their younger days listening to what was played by a band that was a rage no less than Abba. Others jived in the aisles. Yet others wondered as to how Marcia Barrett, who has had a very colourful musical career, faced the horror of cancer in her personal life.
While in Munich during the early 90’s, Marcia was diagnosed with ovular cancer. Another attack stopped Marcia from ignoring every obligation in her life. It took her seven years to recover and start doing what she enjoys doing – singing for the crowds. But the recurrence of cancer that affected her breast, then the spinal chord and again the breast has not deterred Marcia from travelling to sing before new audiences. This is her third visit to India in less than a year. She was in Goa late last year and in Bangalore in March. “I like coming to India and I readily agreed to Hyderabad considering the cause,” said the singer.
The Ushalakshmi Breast Cancer Foundation (UBCF) hosted the Pink Ribbon Nite, as part of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month observed worldwide during October, not just to make more aware of the incidence of breast cancer but also to present a role model on how to cope with the illness.
“A Google search for a breast cancer survivor who is a singer led to Marcia and get her to Hyderabad in the Pink Ribbon Month,” said Dr. P. Raghu Ram, CEO, UBCF and Director, Ushalakshmi Breast Centre, Hyderabad. He pointed out how she was paralysed waist down in 2003 only to recover and bounce back as an amazing performer. “As breast cancer cannot be prevented the two ways of fighting it is being breast aware and to understand the importance of early detection of breast cancer,” explains Raghu Ram.
Significantly, Jeannie Mulford, a breast cancer survivor and her husband David Mulford, the U.S. Ambassador to India, were among those who listened to Marcia. It was a unique initiative in that a breast cancer survivor was performing live for a breast cancer foundation charity show during the Breast Cancer Awareness Month with an eminent breast cancer survivor, Jeannie Mulford, as the guest of honour.
Marcia, who turned 60 on October 14, has regaled audiences to promote peace in the Eurasian country of Georgia and even for Russia’s Vladimir Putin at a New Year Eve concert last year. The singer – described as a breast cancer conqueror – recalled how Boney M had skillfully avoided singing Rasputin on earlier visits to Russia in the only non–musical statement she made on stage in Hyderabad.
Now, she is hopeful of travelling to India again. In a conversation, after the show, the diva declared: “I still have the drive in me. I do not want to lose any moment because I have cancer. Those who have must be positive. That is the best way to conquer it.” Listening to her story few will disagree.
photo: Marcia Barrett in Moscow (dec. 2007)
video: Boney M. "Belfast" (new version)
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