3 сентября неподалеку от Хельсинки откроется самый большой в Северной Европе центр развлечений.
Центр развлечений под названием «Фламинго» возник рядом со вторым по величине в Финляндии шоппинг-центром Jumbo. Весь комплекс расположен в трёх километрах от аэропорта Хельсинки-Вантаа.
«Фламинго» уже назвали своего рода финским Лас-Вегасом. На открытии проекта в ночном клубе, который занимает два этажа комплекса и вмещает 2,3 тыс. гостей, выступят такие диско-звёзды 80-90-х, как Boney M и Ace of Base.
Среди других развлечений на курорте «Фламинго» имеется первый в Финляндии 3D кинотеатр, а также самый большой в стране аквапарк под открытым небом Flamingo Spa. На площади 10 тыс. кв. м он сможет принять 2,5 тыс. человек. Помимо этого «Фламинго» располагает отелем, кафе, шоппинг-центром и более чем десятью ресторанами.
В год курорт планирует принимать до 3,5 млн посетителей, сообщает Helsinki Times (кликните заголовок этого сообщения для перехода в интернет-версию газеты).
Фото: комплекс "Фламинго"
Видео: Boney M. feat.Liz Mitchell "Medley"
Finland’s largest entertainment centre to open in Vantaa.
The recent trend in shopping centres is towards bigger, better and more entertaining, and the epitome of the phenomena is Ideapark, the 104,000 m² mall opened in December 2006 in Lempäälä. The next Ideaparks are already being planned in Pieksämäki and Vihti.
The latest arrival in the Greater Helsinki area, billed as the largest entertainment centre in the Nordic Countries, is Flamingo, set to open in Vantaa on 3 September. The newcomer is located right next to what used to be the second largest shopping centre in Finland, Jumbo, and is situated less than three kilometres from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport.
While many locals have expressed satisfaction at the development, the phenomenon of mega-malls like Flamingo has also evoked some conversation about the consequences, both planned and otherwise. The rising amount of private traffic is one issue troubling some critics. According to the CEO of Espa Invest, Esa Ranta, “Flamingo is intended as a kind of resort where people will arrive in groups by bus or plane.” He adds that ”Flamingo aims to attract up to three and half million visitors per year.”
The colossal entertainment centre has already been affectionately nicknamed the ”the Las Vegas of Finland”. The name is not entirely overblown, as the September line-up for night club Club Flamingo includes Boney M, Village People and the mid-90’s eurodance group Ace of Base. The centre’s two-storey night club, run by manager Sedu Koskinen, has room for up to 2,300 customers.
Flamingo’s other attractions include the first 3D-cinema in Finland, opened by Finnkino, along with the Flamingo Spa, which contains the largest indoor water park in Finland (10,000 m²) and an Inca themed entertainment spa for adults. The spa can fit up to 2,500 people. It goes without saying that a hotel, dozens of restaurants, cafés and wall-to-wall shopping will also be part of the Flamingo experience.
Public concern has also emerged about the disappearence of local services from local residential areas. Small shopping centers built in the 1960s and 70s are slowly dying, forcing people to do their daily shopping in big supermarkets, mostly located in or close to massive shopping centres like Flamingo. The periodic public debate about Sunday opening hours is also affected by the mega-mall trend, just in time for the municipal elections at the end of October.
Kati Hurme - HT
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