вторник, 15 июля 2014 г.

Frank Farian вовлечён в благотворительный проект двойника Майкла Джексона

Онлайн-версия нигерийской газеты The Sun опубликовала интервью с певцом Марком Уилсоном (Marc Wilson также известен как двойник Майкла Джексона), который поведал о том, что попросил ведущего германского продюсера Фрэнка Фариана принять участие в благотворительном проекте за спасение 200 нигерийских девочек, похищенных радикальными исламистами.
История началась 16 апреля 2014 года, когда все мировые СМИ сообщили о чудовищном факте захвата 200 школьниц на северо-востоке Нигерии боевиками из исламской группировки "Боко Харам".
Похищение произошло в школе городка Чибок, штата Борно.
По сообщениям очевидцев, боевики приехали поздно ночью на грузовиках и приказали всем девочкам-подросткам, проживающим в общежитии, залезать в кузов.
Родители похищенных девочек рассказали, что похищены были по меньшей мере 200 школьниц и что ответственность, скорее всего, лежит на боевиках исламистской вооруженной группировки "Боко Харам".
Видимо, эта же группировка несёт ответственность и за взрывы, совершённые чуть ранее в столице страны, городе Абуджа, в результате которых погибли более 70 человек.
"Боко Харам", чьё название в переводе означает на языке хауса "Западное образование запрещено", ведут вооружённую борьбу за создание исламского государства на севере Нигерии.
Факт нападения на общежитие в Чибуке позже был подтверждён и полицией.
Информационное агентство AFP цитирует Эммануэля Сама, работника системы образования из Чибука: "Девочек похитили бесчинствующие боевики, которые ворвались на территорию школы на грузовиках".

Рассказ убежавшей пленницы
Ещё один свидетель, попросивший не раскрывать его имени, заявил AFP, что боевики быстро разоружили солдат, которые были размещены в школе для обеспечения большей безопасности перед предстоящими экзаменами.

Что такое "Боко Харам"

Основана в 2002 году.
Официальное арабское название переводится как "Люди, преданные распространению учений Пророка и джихаду"
Изначально противилось введению западной системы образования.
Известна как "Боко Харам", фраза, которая на местном языке хауса означает "Западное образование запрещено".
Начала военные операции в 2009 году, с целью создать исламское государство на севере Нигерии
Основатель и лидер Мохаммед Юсуф был убит в 2009 году, когда находился в заключении.
Его преемником стал Абубакар Шекау. В 2013 году военные Нигерии ошибочно объявили о его гибели.
Одна из учениц, которой удалось убежать, рассказала корреспонденту Би-би-си, что они спали, когда вооружённые люди ворвались в их общежитие и потребовали, чтобы их провели на школьный склад.
Школьница рассказала, что боевики потребовали, чтобы девочки перенесли продукты со склада в грузовики, а потом приказали и им туда же забраться.
Остальных девочек затолкали в автобус и два грузовика, один из которых был нагружен продовольствием, а другой – бензином.
Спасшаяся школьница рассказала, что конвой боевиков проехал через три деревни, после чего один грузовик сломался, и ему пришлось остановиться.
Это дало возможность ей и ещё 10 или 15 девушкам, выпрыгнуть из кузова и скрыться в лесу.
Нигерийские СМИ сообщили, что в результате этого нападения два сотрудника службы безопасности были убиты. Жители района говорили, что боевики сожгли 170 домов.
"Боко Харам" возникла как группа, противостоящая западному образованию, и её боевики часто нападают на школы и другие образовательные учреждения.
В этом году боевики "Боко Харам" убили более 1500 мирных жителей в трёх штатах на северо-востоке Нигерии. Сейчас в них введено чрезвычайное положение.
Недавно правительство Нигерии объявило, что боевиков удаётся удерживать в одной части страны.
Однако взрывы в понедельник в Абудже в очередной раз разбудили опасения, что исламисты распространяют свою кампанию и на столицу страны.

После того как эта информация распространилась по миру, в кампанию за освобождение нигерийских школьниц включились ведущие звёзды мирового шоу-бизнеса, политики и общественные деятели, в том числе супруга президента США Мишель Обама.
Уроженец Нигерии Марк Уилсон, в 90-х известный исполнитель музыки eurodance, не мог пройти мимо этого ужасного факта и решил обратиться к знаменитым продюсерам Фрэнку Фариану (Boney M., ERUPTION, MILLI VANILLI, FAR Corporation, LA BOUCHE, NO MERCY и др.) и Гюнтеру Коачу (Gunther Coach в настоящее время работает с мегазвездой Alicia Keys), которые откликнулись на его предложение.
В интервью The Sun Марк Уилсон, ныне проживающий в Германии,  поведал, что выпущен специальный сингл и видеоролик, средства от реализации которых пойдут на кампанию по освобождению несчастных пленниц и поддержке их семей.

Why I sing for Chibok girls–Marc Wilson, Germany- based Nigerian singer

Germany-based Nigerian singer, Marc Wilson, is a sad man. He is sad because the over 200 girls who were kidnapped at Chibok, Borno State, over two months ago are yet to be rescued and reunited with their families. Consequently, in order to express his sympathy and solidarity for efforts being made to rescue the girls, he is in the country to launch a charity/support campaign with the release of his single entitled, God Bless the Children.

Recorded in collaboration with prominent German artistes and producers including the man who discovered the now defunct Boney M, Frank Farian. Wilson, a Michael Jackson look-alike, says proceeds from the CD and VCD would be dedicated to the support and rehabilitation of the girls and their families upon their release. In this chat with Chuks Eze, Wilson opens up on the journey so far.

Mere looking at you one would think you’re a woman…

I am a full-fledged man (Laughter). Sometimes people address me as a woman but I always ask them to take a look at my chest; I don’t have boobs.

But for your voice, you look every inch a woman…

I look the way I do because I’m a showman; that’s all I can say. Entertainment business is not something you just jump into and try to look like every other person if you want to make reasonable impact. You have to be unique in your own right. Remember the late king of pop, Michael Jackson, my mentor, who carved a niche for himself during his time because he was different.  That’s what every showman should strive for; and that’s why I look the way I do.

How long have you been in Germany?

I’ve been there for close to 26 years.

Do your feminine looks have anything to do with being gay?

No, it doesn’t.

Would you try out the practice under any circumstance?

Never! Both our laws and society abhor it. I believe that nobody was born gay. They get involved due to one reason or the other. And according to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, we should not condemn them but pray for them.

Are you married?

Yes, I’ve been married with kids for almost 25 years. I have a 24-years-old daughter currently studying Law at the university.

With your looks if you were a woman, you’d be a hot babe, right?

I don’t know about that. But thank God I’m not a babe (laughter). But it’s good to look good and be beautiful. I believe that beautiful people have good hearts. They are always pretty inside out; that’s the way I feel.

Are you pretty inside out?

I know I’m not a bad person. I hate seeing people suffering or being persecuted.

How long are you staying in Nigeria?

If everything works according to plan, I should be around for about three months.

Are you saying everything including going into politics or…?

Politics! No, man; I came down here because of the issue of the abduction of Chibok Girls. I came here to promote a charity campaign in line with the global BringBackourGirls campaign. I have recorded a single to drive the campaign.

So, what do you intend to achieve with the song?

I want to use it to appeal to Boko Haram. I want them to listen to the song, feel touched and release the girls. They are human beings and I know they would be touched when they listen to the song and realise how God blesses and loves everybody no matter who you are and where you are coming from or what you are passing through.

They would realise what it feels like for young innocent girls to be in captivity and unable to see their parents for over two months and counting. They should imagine their daughters, sisters or friends being in such a situation. We also intend to raise funds through the sales of the CD and DVD to support the families of the girls and take care of the girls’ rehabilitation upon their release. I was utterly shocked when I heard the sad news in Germany. And I’ve been following up on the development ever since. I quickly called up some artistes in Germany including ace music producers, Frank Farian, the man who discovered the now defunct Boney M and Gunther Coach, who is presently working with Alicia Keys. And with their cooperation, we produced God Bless the Children.

Why did you entitle it God Bless The Children and not God Release The Children?

It’s God’s blessing and grace that would see the girls through and ensure they are released. And the same blessing is what would enable them to cope with life after their release. I’m sure that by the time members of Boko Haram hear the song, they would be touched and let the girls off the hook.

How do you intend to get them to listen to the song?

They will definitely hear it and watch the video via social network. Both the audio and video versions of the song would be on the internet and I’m sure they have access to social media.

When are you launching the campaign and how do you plan to raise the kind of money needed to take care of over 200 girls and their families?

I know it would not be an easy task but I am certain that with the support of the good people of Nigeria and my international collaborators, we would be able to achieve our goals. But the campaign is already on through the efforts of my media consultant, Frank Chike. And I am also banking on the support of the Nigerian media as well and all Nigerian citizens. Therefore, the first step towards making it achievable is for people to buy the God Bless The Girls CDs en masse; it has the audio and video versions. And if every Nigerian family and every business firm could pick up a copy of the CD, it would go a very long way.

And I trust Nigerians because they did it during the 2012 flood in the country and I’m certain they can still do it again. As you know, the job wouldn’t stop at having the girls released. A greater challenge would arise after their release in terms of welfare and rehabilitation. I told you earlier that I have a 24-years-old daughter. I can’t imagine what would become of me if someone called me up and told me she had been kidnapped for a day, not to talk of two months. If we keep that at the back of our minds, then can we appreciate what the parents of the girls are going through. Whatever Boko Haram’s interest is, they don’t have the right to abduct any citizen of this beautiful country.

Are you impressed with the efforts of the government towards rescuing the girls?       

Oh yes. The government is doing well. But they also need the support and cooperation of Nigerians to make their efforts more fruitful. And that’s why we are promoting this campaign in support of government. I am also grateful to all the local and foreign individuals, groups and the media, who are genuinely protesting against the Chibok abduction. I am urging government to try and discuss with the sect. I believe that both parties would definitely reach a truce at the round table.

I hear many people say the government is not doing enough but I don’t think that notion is correct. I believe that no father would go to sleep when his daughters are endangered. You would notice that Mr. President has gone grey since this issue started. That means he is worried, maybe, even more worried than any of us. So, the government and security agencies need our support. But like I said, I still believe the government and Boko Haram need to hold talks.

How has it been running the campaign so far?

I thought the job was going to be easy but ever since I came down, it hasn’t been rosy at all. In Germany, running this kind of campaign is easier. But I was surprised to learn upon my return that the protest against the abduction issue is a bit relaxed here as against what obtains in Europe. Over there, people appear more worried and concerned. The approach is different here. I hear that it is a bit louder in Abuja but even at that, organized genuine campaign and protest against the mass abduction is more intense overseas. It shouldn’t just be based in Abuja alone. We should all be concerned and involved because it could have been any other girl from any part of the country.


Marc (or Mak) Wilson is a German project of Town Records.
The single Locomotion includes 2 tracks as B-side : Dance With Friends and Waltz Of Tekno. The songs were produced by G. Coach, recorded and mixed by B. Getz. The female vocals on Locomotion really sound like Melanie Thornton's ones, even if she is not on the sleeve.

This first single was followed by 3 others : Feel My Body (including a B-side called Jack The City Boy), C'est La Vie (written and composed by Markc Wilson himself, with Kurt Hierols and Marco Besler, featuring the background vocalists Kathryn Troyer and Andrea Kreis) and Make My Day (including a Radio Mix, a Original Club Mix, an Extended Dance Mix and a MMM-Mix).


 Taste of Luv (1994)
Locomotion (1994)  
Feel My Body (1996)  
C'est La Vie (1997)
Make My Day (1998)
 God Bless the Children (2014)

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